REALITY: Intern (aka R|Intern)

a l'il yip yap about our internship. a l'il chit chat about our apprenternship. benefits of helping out students and entry-level folks. and just 'stuff'.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

R|Intern: just start ... and finish

a colleague and owner of bluescape e-Mailed this article on hiring people - hiring "finishers" - it's the author's list of characteristics
  1. Ability to prioritize tasks and do what really matters
  2. Ability to make a decision
  3. Ability to execute
  4. A clear perception of reality
  5. Never satisfied with status quo
  6. Ability to understand deadlines and schedules
  7. Ability to recognize accomplishments
  8. Ability to show aptitude
  9. Practical approach to problem solving
  10. Proactive
i think this is a pretty good list of characteristics, which we'd embrace (for sure) in an intern. i'll comment more on this later.

just to recap a few quick things we tell & look for in prospective interns - humor threshold, five traits, qualifications, our responsibility to intern, and self-evaluation requirement. oh yeah .. and don't forget our approach.



Blogger shirlnutkin said...

hey mike! thanks for visiting and commenting. i'm glad all well at your new job.

so - i'll make a point to post some 'woodside mike' (w/m) tips - sort of like what i have done with 'silver lining' tips.

keep 'em coming. - shirl

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post and comment... I'll print the list to have as a reminder.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of Shirley's analogy of "hot potato." Once a task has been given to you,do what you need to do in order to pass it on to someone else.

Just as important, once a task has been started, make sure to go back to it and finish the task. You don't want to wait until the last minute and find out that it actually had to be submitted yesterday.

...i need to follow my own advice :/

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOT POTATO is an analogy someone told me several years ago. it stuck in my head. it's a good enough analogy.

i guess the one other thing is to make sure you hand off the hot potato on time & to the right "someone else", eh!?

oh - and we'll help you practice following your advice! we're here to support you!

8:42 PM  

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