REALITY: Intern (aka R|Intern)

a l'il yip yap about our internship. a l'il chit chat about our apprenternship. benefits of helping out students and entry-level folks. and just 'stuff'.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

r|recap: still on hiatus so let's recap ...

... about r|intern ...

back story ... in short, r|intern resulted from a january '06 chit chat with a friend, jengyee, who has written a book, hello real world!, and she suggested a blog of our experience and internship program (or perhaps apprenternship?). so since then, here are some highlights ...
  1. r|intern program elements ... the paper trail, self-evaluation (for real!), and if snoop dog yapped us up - f'shizzle
  2. ritual outing ... 1/2-day work, lunch, and mani and/or pedi
  3. ama and select posts ... about/from our winter '06 intern, ama ...
  4. last decade's interns ... monikers for those who chose the road less traveled
  5. jen's presentation ... sample r|intern mid-term presentation ...
  6. associate intern/independent contractor ... summer intern goes indie
  7. 9 tips (so far) from silver lining ... what an '05 intern offered up (and i sort of "dressed up") as tips for r|interns and others - #1-#7, #8, and #9
... and we are looking forward to a productive summer '07 internship program to offer up!



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