REALITY: Intern (aka R|Intern)

a l'il yip yap about our internship. a l'il chit chat about our apprenternship. benefits of helping out students and entry-level folks. and just 'stuff'.

Friday, March 10, 2006

R|Intern: Ama's wk 8 already!

eight weeks and four more weeks to go!
(pic was from last week)

here are a few of the project activities for which amabelle has been involved & continues to be involved:
  • air permit applications - prepared and submitted 4 permit applications for diesel engines (increasing hours per year and changing from emergency to non-emergency category); following up with air agency; conducting agency file reviews
  • air quality compliance - assembled quarterly reports and submitted to agencies
  • business operations - assisting with managing clients' and contractors' administrative files; assisting in preparation of business certification applications
  • general environmental compliance - preparing Title V support document that lists multiple applicable regulations
  • self-paced training - project management basics; business communication basics
... and there is more, but we'll stop for now. as far as one of Ama's main projects, here is Ama's quick off-top-of-head&tips-of-fingers purpose statement and how it relates to one of her 3 primary goals (determined in the 1st wk of the internship) --- (i have taken out reference to the "CLIENT" and an engineering firm that is on the team.)
I am working on the CLIENT project because I want to gain experience in project management and in project execution, apply GIS concepts, improve business communication skills, and enhance skill sets for resume. The project management aspect of CLIENT project allows me to manage multiple tasks ranging from tracking and organizing data flow to updating CLIENT PROJECT MANAGER and Shirley to interacting with other team members from client sites, XYZ Engineering, and San Diego Air Pollution Control District. The project execution aspect allows me to produce billable items, mainly submitting and following up with air permit applications. Business communication skills and resume skill sets are intrinsic to the CLIENT project because of client, team, and customer interaction, deliverables, and task management. In addition, by applying GIS concepts to the CLIENT project, I am able to see spatial relationship between customer sites. I am able to apply my internship goals to the CLIENT project because the project involves numerous permit applications.
good stuff! and she is doing pretty well. hopefully she'll post to the blog soon!



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